OK, so it's been a while, but I'm back in the saddle again! My custody issues are over, and Origins is finally behind me, so I am finally back in the workshop getting back in the swing of things. Before I tackle editing and uploading all the images from my Black Duke project, I thought I would start out with some light lifting and post one of my recent projects from this year's Origins Game Fair.
You may remember from previous posts that I have made several large set pieces for Origins. Namely The B.S.P. and Notorious B.I.C. This year my gaming group, Rogue Cthulhu, was given an exceptionally large room for our gaming needs. In a mad attempt to fill the space, I began working on additional set pieces.
This is Igg. He is a giant flying eyeball.
He was constructed from a 48" vinyl beach ball which was spray painted white and stenciled with an iris. The iris was also spray painted on. In order to keep the paint from sticking to itself while deflated, I dusted the whole thing with cornstarch. It worked, but was very messy.
The eyeball was hoisted up onto a 6.5 foot tall framework of pvc pipe, which was draped with black plastic roll table cover. For a sense of scale, that wall of black plastic sheeting behind him is 8ft. tall. The mouth was made from florescent poster board and taped on place.
The wings were actually from a Cthulhu costume that I had started several years ago, but never finished. I swear that they looked better before transport. I think that they curved a little bit too much in the heat. They were made from foam pool noodles over a pvc frame. The membrane is more plastic roll table covering. The wings are two pieces, designed to be mounted onto a backpack for the costume. For this application, they were simply duck taped to the pvc frame holding up the eyeball.
This is Oook. His twin brother. I whipped out a second pair of wings in just over a day for this project.
I was very pressed for time and resources for this project. They don't look like much (and they aren't), but they filled up the space nicely, and they were only about $10 each to build. The drying time for the ball was the longest time factor. That took several days to get a nice white coat on them. Other than that, It took an hour or so to put together the mouths, and about a day for each pair of wings. I already had some pvc cut to 3ft. and 6in. lengths, so piecing together the frames was nothing at all.
Here they are flanking a table of innocent gamers.
I, Robot
Beastcraft Props produces characters for professional haunted houses.
They've made some amazing animatronics, but most of their work,
understandably, is...
2 days ago
next time use the ball as a regular pool toy